Kidepo Driving Distance and Time

Here are the precise GPS-measured distances and turns to reach the Nga’Moru Wilderness Camp, to go along with my Kidepo route map.

Road to Kidepo

Any time estimate that anyone could give would be deceptive because none of the road is paved. Your speed will depend too much on your vehicle, the driver and condition of the road, especially amount of mud or wash-board corrugations. The day we measured this distance it took us 4:40, but this is one of our slowest trips, and we often made it in under three hours. Give yourself plenty of time, as the drive itself offers fantastic views, especially after Orom. At least traffic is never an issue out here!

Location Distance (km) Trip Odometer (km) Go
Fugly’s Kitgum 0 0 Depart
Kitgum Airfield 0.64 0.64 Left
Kitgum Roundabout 0.75 1.39 Right
Shortcut Junction 19.1 20.49 Left
Kitgum Matidi Jct 0.34 20.83 Straight
Bridge 2.52 23.35 Straight
Omiya Anyima 15.17 38.52 Straight
Tito Okello’s House 10.56 49.08 Straight
Naam Okora Jct 6.38 55.46 Left
Kalabong Jct 6.2 61.66 Right
Orom Roundabout 11.98 73.64 Left
Akilok Junction 0.64 74.28 Right
Loluko 10.18 84.46 Straight
Police Camp 8.71 93.17 Straight
Locomo Jct 5.69 98.86 Left
Pire Jct 4.66 103.52 Straight
Steep Hill 5.98 109.5 Straight
Karenga Center 4.41 113.91 Straight
Opotipot Jct 1.22 115.13 Straight
Karenga-Apoka Jct 1.16 116.29 Right
Nga’moru Jct 5.15 121.44 Left
Nga’moru Lodge 2.38 123.82 Arrive

Follow these directions closely, even if they conflict with printed maps, which are often inaccurate. You can usually identify villages based on NGO project signs.

Road from Kidepo


The route directly the park guest offices and government-run “UWA Bandas” hostel at Apoka is mostly the same. Instead of turning right at km 116.29, go straight, passing to the West of the Geremech inselberg. This leads directly to the Katurum Gate, from where you can follow my printable Kidepo Valley National Park map.

Anyone planning to self-drive to Kidepo needs to be aware that these roads are all hazardous and isolated. There are no emergency medical services or vehicle services. Many sections have no mobile phone network coverage at all.

Disclaimer: This routing is provided “as is” without any guarantee of accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the information contained therein. The indicated routes are based on past conditions and are not an endorsement for any purpose. Travel is inherently dangerous and the traveler assumes liability for all activities related to the use of this map. Consult a qualified tour operator before traveling.