Here is a map that I made for all of you working in or visiting Kidepo Valley National Park in Uganda. It shows the overland route from the town of Kitgum.
Kidepo Driving Distance and Time
Here are the precise GPS-measured distances and turns to reach the Nga’Moru Wilderness Camp, to go along with my Kidepo route map.
The Triumph of Science
a poem by Richard Owen (1804 – 1892), excerpted from The Shamba Raiders, by Bruce Kinloch
Sam Scroggins was a naturalist and hunter from the nursery;
His maths were poor; his Latin weak; his grammar-studies cursory.
At three he was a graduate of field and forest lore
And broke his father’s windows with a catapult at four;
Could ride and shoot, – just sign his name, and loved a spice of danger;
Equipped in fact by Nature for the duties of a Ranger.
So when he grew to manhood and they offered him a billet
As a Ranger in Uganda, he was very glad to fill it. Continue reading “The Triumph of Science”